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"Move On" lyrics by Michael Hutchence

Another birthday that Michael has missed. I have asked Ricky to put up a set of his handwritten lyrics. 

We usually hear from the legals at Universal Music when that happens. I don't quite understand why; I guess they must have a lot of time on their hands.

Over the past sixteen years, I have seen Michael's lyrics and autographed photographs and albums and CD's all over Ebay - sellers making money from them. They don't get bothered by the attorneys, and did I mention that the sellers make money from these things which are precious to my family?

But I put something up there to share with his loyal fans; a letter or doodle or fax that Michael sent me? Bam. I get contacted and threatened.

So Ricky, will you please put up some lyrics which were left at my house by my brother who stayed there on and off?  My brother who was 12 years my junior. The one I diapered, and rocked to sleep, and read to, and bathed, and fed and virtually mothered for the first five years of his life.

Tina Hutchence
22nd January 2014
California, USA.


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